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Reasons Why Dog Acting Weird After Being Shaved

Reasons Why Dog Acting Weird After Being Shaved

Have you ever noticed a sudden change in your furry friend's behavior after a trip to the groome...

Pin Brush vs Slicker Brush: What's the Difference?

Pin Brush vs Slicker Brush: What's the Difference?

Have you ever found yourself standing in the pet grooming aisle, staring at various brushes with ...

How to Cut Cat Nails?

How to Cut Cat Nails?

One of the most tedious parts of being a cat owner is having to cut their nails. It is no less t...

Best Cat Nail Grinders Available Right Now

Best Cat Nail Grinders Available Right Now

Does your cat hate getting its nails clipped? Or do they often hurt you or themselves with their...

Cat Matted Fur: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Cat Matted Fur: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Do you ever pet your cat and feel the chunks of hair clumped together between a smooth cat's coa...

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