Do you have a non-spayed pet cat you might believe is pregnant?
Well, if your cat isn't spayed, it's recommended you keep an eye out for pregnancy to ensure your cat's well-being.
Today we'll discuss the early signs of a cat's pregnancy. From physical changes to shifts in behavior, we'll guide you through the process of recognizing the early stages of cat pregnancy.
Wondering how to tell if your cat is expecting?
- You’ll see your cat gain weight more rapidly.
- your cat will develop pink nipples that become visible within three weeks of pregnancy.
- your cat may suffer from morning sickness or vomiting
- your cat's appetite may increase
- You’ll see your cat sleep more
- Your cat may become more affectionate
When your cat becomes pregnant, they go through several hormonal and neurological changes that can appropriately indicate they are pregnant.
Join us as we explore cat pregnancies so that you can take care of your cat as a responsible pet owner.
Physical Signs in Pregnant Cats

If you have a hunch that your cat might be pregnant, keep an eye out for these signs -
Heat cycles stop
This could be the first thing you notice when a cat is going to have babies. If your cat used to act a certain way in heat and suddenly stopped doing that, it might be that she's pregnant.
A cat's heat cycle is when it can have babies. If your cat is not having these cycles anymore, it might be because your furry pal is about to have babies.
Swollen Nipples
You might notice swelling and pink nipples in your cat that professionals typically call "pinking-up." It could be the earliest thing you spot in a pregnant cat's nipples. This typically happens around two or three weeks into cat pregnancy. Pregnant cat nipples vs normal cat nipples are very different. You will be able to spot the difference easily.
You might notice that the skin on your cat's belly area is starting to turn a bit pinkish. Additionally, you might observe small amounts of liquid coming from your cat's nipples.
This is a regular occurrence when a cat is pregnant. It's your furry friend's way of getting ready to nurture the kittens it's going to give birth to.
If you see these changes in your cat, it's a good indication that your cat might be pregnant.
However, it's always wise to consult a veterinarian to ensure your pregnant cat is healthy and everything is progressing well.
Change in appetite
When a cat is pregnant, you'll notice appetite changes in the beginning. They might even refuse to eat their regular diet. But as their pregnancy continues, especially in the second stage, they might have an increased appetite.
This is because, at that point, they are not just eating for themselves but for the little babies growing inside them too.
Weight Gain
Most expecting mother cats, throughout their pregnancy, tend to gain around 2 to 4 pounds of additional body weight. This change occurs in pregnant cats as they progress through the stages of pregnancy.
Similar to how people might gain weight, pregnant cats also put on weight. This is completely normal and to be expected.
As the kittens develop inside them, they require extra energy and resources, which results in a noticeable weight gain.
This weight gain is a natural and necessary aspect of the cat's gestation period and pregnancy. And it indicates that your feline friend's body is actively supporting the upcoming birth as well as the growth of the kittens.
They're like human moms-to-be in some ways. Pregnant cats might experience a few instances of "morning sickness." It's kind of similar to what happens to pregnant women.
It's not a big concern, but if the vomiting happens a lot, it's a good idea to contact a vet for assistance. Just like pregnant women can feel sick sometimes, pregnant cats might also have moments where they throw up.
Enlarged abdomen
At about the fifth week of being pregnant, you'll see a clear increase in the size of a pregnant cat's abdomen. This growth will keep happening until it's time for them to give birth.
If your cat was already a bit heavier before becoming pregnant, noticing your cat's abdomen getting bigger might be a bit more challenging.
Personality Changes In Pregnant Cats

Just like human mothers or other animals, many personality changes occur in cats, along with physical changes.
Let's review them one by one.
1) Increased affectionate behavior
Your cat might become extra cuddly and often look for your company, wanting your attention more than usual. It's a good idea to give them the love they're craving!
However, you may also observe that during this gestation period, your pregnant cat might not be very patient with the other pets, including male cats, in your home. They might not want to play or spend time with them like they did before.
2) Sleeping more
When cats are pregnant, they often sleep more during the day compared to before they got pregnant. It's like they need extra snooze time.
This could be because their bodies work hard to care for the little kittens growing inside them. Just like pregnant people might feel tired, pregnant cats also need more rest. It's a normal thing, and it helps them save up energy for when they give birth and have to look after their new babies.
3) Nesting behaviors

Usually, a few weeks before your cat is ready to have kittens, it'll start doing something called "nesting." This means it'll look for a quiet and private place and spend much time there.
It might even try to bring soft stuff like soft bedding to make a comfy spot for babies. Your pregnant cat might even pick a tricky spot as a nesting area - like a drawer or somewhere you can't reach. To avoid that, you can give them a special nesting box just for giving birth.
Make sure it's easy for them to get in and out of. Put some soft blankets inside that you can wash or throw away when they get dirty.
Around 24 to 48 hours before your cat is ready to give birth, you might notice some changes in its behavior. It might seem the kittens your female cat is carrying are restless and unable to stay still.
Your pregnant queen will walk back and forth and act a bit jumpy. Your furry friend will stay close to where the nest is, and you will notice that it's not feeling very comfortable.
These actions are their way of telling you that it's almost time for the kittens to arrive. To find out how many kittens you'll have, consult a vet.
Early Signs a Cat is Pregnant

One of the most exciting things for cat owners is when their special cat is about to have babies.
But knowing if a cat will have babies can be hard, especially in the beginning. So, here's a helpful guide that explains the early signs of cat pregnancy.
This guide will help you figure out if your cat is going to have babies by showing you what to look for.
1) Cravings
When a cat is going to have babies, you might notice that it starts to eat more than before. It could even develop a liking for certain foods.
However, some cats might not feel like eating much during the first few weeks of pregnancy. This change in eating habits is a common sign that a cat might be pregnant.
This happens because of changes in the cat's body due to the pregnancy. It's essential to pay attention to your cat closely. If you see big changes in your cat's eating habits, it's a good idea to talk to a vet to ensure everything is okay.
2) Behavioral changes

Pregnancy can lead to shifts in how cats act. Some cats might become super cuddly and want more attention, while others could get easily annoyed.
It's essential to pay attention to any odd behaviors your cat displays because these could be early signals that your furry friend is pregnant.
These changes in behavior occur because of the hormonal changes happening inside your cat's body. Just like people can have mood swings when they're expecting, cats can also have changes in their feelings and actions.
If you see your cat acting in new or different ways, it's a good idea to keep an eye on her and consider checking in with a vet to ensure everything is okay.
3) Swollen nipples
Approximately two weeks after getting pregnant, your cat's nipples will puff up and become more noticeable. This is a definite sign of pregnancy and relatively easy to spot.
This change happens due to the hormonal changes in your cat's body as it prepares to become a mother. The swelling and more prominent nipples result from its body which is preparing to nurse the future kittens.
It's a good idea to watch your cat's nipples during this time. This change is a reliable indicator of pregnancy. If you notice this happening, it's a good time to start preparing for the upcoming arrival of the kittens.
4) Weight gain
As the pregnancy progresses, your cat will begin to gain weight. Nevertheless, it's important to remember that not all cats will gain weight simultaneously. Some cats might not show much weight gain until the later stages of the pregnancy.
The important thing is to ensure that your cat is comfortable and getting proper care throughout its pregnancy journey. If you're unsure about your cat's weight changes, consulting a vet can provide more guidance.
5) Vomiting and morning sickness
Just like how some pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, pregnant cats can also go through a similar thing. This occurs in the early stages of pregnancy due to hormonal changes and adjustments in the body.
If you observe your cat having these symptoms, it's a good idea to keep an eye on her. If the vomiting is severe or persistent, it's best to consult a vet to ensure your cat is okay and receiving the proper care during pregnancy.
6) Increased Sleeping
Pregnancy can make cats feel tired, and you might see your cat taking more naps than usual. This happens because its body is putting in extra effort to care for the developing kittens inside it.
Just like how a pregnant woman might feel more tired due to the changes happening in her body, a pregnant cat goes through something similar. Its body uses a lot of energy to ensure the kittens grow well.
If you see your cat resting more often, it's a normal response to the demands of pregnancy. Providing it with a comfortable and quiet place to rest is an excellent way to support it during this time.
However, suppose you notice extreme lethargy or any other concerning symptoms. In that case, it's wise to consult a vet to ensure your cat's well-being.

7) Changes in appearance
As the pregnancy advances, you might notice changes in your cat's appearance. Its belly could become more noticeable, looking rounder and fuller. Additionally, its fur might appear shinier and healthier.
As the kittens develop inside, your cat's body goes through changes that can affect its outer appearance. The growing pot belly is a clear sign of the cat's pregnancy progress, and the improved coat quality could result from hormonal changes in the body.
Final Words!

Getting your cat pregnant can be tough. But recognizing the early signs of pregnancy in cats is crucial for any attentive and caring pet owner. Our feline friends can't communicate their condition through words, making it imperative for us to be vigilant observers.
From changes in behavior, appetite, nesting behavior, and physical appearance to subtle hints like changes in appearance and extra affectionate behavior, all these signs collectively point towards a cat pregnancy.
So, once you start seeing signs, pay your full attention to your cat. And prepare to have the cutest litter you have ever seen. No matter how many kittens you have, it'll be a little tricky to care for all of them.
Lastly to avoid unwanted pregnacies get your cat spayed.

How long is a cat pregnancy?
A cat's pregnancy period is usually 63-65 days on average. To round it off, you can say that your cat will stay pregnant for almost 2 months.
What should I do if my cat is pregnant?
Just like it's a tough time for women, pregnancy is tough for cats as well. It's best to give your furry pal privacy. But don't stop monitoring your cat to provide them the best care it deserves. Don't be alarmed if your cat ends up giving birth in some other place instead of the nest that you created. For any queries, it's always wise to consult your vet.