Is scratching the door your cat's favorite pastime activity? Are you constantly waking up to your cat scratching the door?
This is not just annoying to deal with, but it also wears down your doors and threatens the interior of your house as well. While a bit of a home improvement sacrifice is inevitable when it comes to being a pet parent, many cat owners have been complaining about this. And, like always, we have got you covered!
Today, we will figure out why your cat may be scratching the door. We will also learn how you can stop your cat from scratching the door. So, hang in there while we form a game plan for you to stop this behavior.
7 Ways How To Stop Cat From Scratching Doors
- You have to wear them out before bed.
- Try to distract the cat with catnip. Catnip is a non-toxic common weed that belongs to the mint family.
- Provide a calming environment elsewhere to stop scratching.
- You can spray cat-deterring essential oils.
- Get a scratching post or bed.
- You can use double-sided tape.
- Try to ignore.
Why Is Your Cat Scratching Your Door?

Here are a few reasons why your cat may be scratching the door:
1) Attention-Seeking Behavior
Cats are social creatures and love hanging out with humans and other pets in the house. So, when you leave your cat in a separate room, and she starts scratching at the door, she means, "Hey, pay attention to me!"
The more outgoing and friendly your cat is, the more it will scratch the doors to get your attention. This is its way of telling you it is just not cool to be left alone. Your furry friend is trying to inform you that they want to see the action happening outside that door.
Your cat's scratching behavior can be their way of saying, "Hey, I want in on the fun! Don't leave me behind!"
You can say it is like a severe case of FOMO, i.e., Fear of Missing Out, and needs you to let them in on the action. So, it's essential to understand its needs and provide them with the attention and interaction they crave.
2) General Curiosity
You are probably aware of the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat. Well, there is some truth to it. When your adorable little feline friend starts scratching like crazy at a closed door, chances are they are just super curious about what's happening on the other side.
Cats have a natural sense of wonder and curiosity, and they can't help but be intrigued by new smells, sounds, and mysteries lurking beyond that closed door. So, when your curious kitty goes into scratching mode, it's not because it's trying to be a troublemaker. It is just curiosity that needs to be satisfied. Your cat just wants to investigate and be part of whatever action is happening on the other side.
Having your door scratched up is a bit annoying, but try to see it as a sign of your cat's curious nature. Instead of getting frustrated, you can help your cat positively channel their curiosity.
3) Territorial Issues

Let's say that previously, your cat used to wander freely in your bedroom. Then you decided to keep the door closed and keep the naughty feline outside. And then you started noticing the scratching behavior.
In this case, your cat is scratching to convince you to let it back in. And you know what? It's your cat's territorial instincts kicking in.
Cats are like little kings and queens of their domains. They like having their special spots and spaces. Once they claim an area as their own, they won't let go of it.
So, when you shut your bedroom door on your feline friend, they will scratch and protest to reclaim their territory.
How To Stop Your Feline Friend From Scratching The Door?

We hope that now you understand all the reasons why your furry friend may be scratching the door.
Now, we should put on our problem-solving hats and deal with this issue.
So let's get rolling.
Method 1 - Wear Them Out Before Bed
As we discussed previously, your cat may be scratching the door because they're craving attention and cuddles!
If you suddenly cut off your kitty's access to your bedroom, it will scratch that door like a pro until you give in. But there's a simple solution to this furry problem. Give your cat what they want, i.e., your undivided attention.
Here's the game plan - Before you hit the hay and after your furball has had their meal, take some time to play with them. Get out all the cat toys - those feather wands, toy mice, or whatever gets it going.
Not only will the playtime satisfy their attention cravings
,but it'll also tire them out before sleep. They'll be so tired from the fun that scratching the door will be the last thing on their mind. Instead, your cat will most likely curl up and call it a day before you do!
So, forget about the scratching drama and make playtime a priority. Give your feline friend quality attention before bedtime, and watch those scratching sessions fade away.
It's a win-win situation - you get to bond with your kitty and get your cat to release its energy in a fun and positive way. Also, don't forget to clean cat toys frequently, to stay on the safe side.
Method 2 - Distract The Cat With Catnip
Catnip is a great plant that cats are absolutely obsessed with. It's a harmless weed from the mint family that produces some irresistible oils and acids. Cats generally go crazy when they catch a whiff of this.
They start rolling around, drooling, and purring up a storm for about ten minutes. It is like experiencing pure feline bliss!
Now the trick here is to redirect your cat's attention away from that door it has scratched. Get a scratching post or a cat tree, and rub it down with some magical catnip goodness. Place it right outside the door and let the magic happen.
The idea here is that the scent of the catnip will grab your cat's attention and lure them toward the cat tree or post.
They'll be too busy enjoying their catnip high and scratching their claws on the cat scratching post to even think about the door. It's like a distraction technique that keeps it entertained and stimulated while saving your poor door from more scratching sessions.
So, get your hands on some catnip. We assure you that your furry friend will be too occupied having the time of their life to bother with that closed door. So you don't have to deal with your cat scratching doors anymore.
To continue the theme of plants, keep in mind that some plants can be dangerous for your cat. If cat eat some of them, cat have an upset tummy, vomiting, or even a case of the runs. For example spider plants' - cats simply can't resist them. You can learn more about cats and this plant here.
Method 3 - Provide A Calming Environment Elsewhere

Create a particular room just for your cat. By giving your furry friend their space, you can keep them away from your door, give them a sense of ownership, and fulfill their territorial needs.
Make sure this cat haven utilizes vertical spaces. Cats are all about being up high to watch for their prey. This is derived from the natural hunting instincts of wild cats. So, set up some strong shelves, cat trees, scratching posts, and other cat toys in that room. These elevated spots will make your cat feel safe, comfortable, and in control of their surroundings.
Windows are popular among cats; they act like TVs for cats. Most cats love sitting by the window and watching the world go by. If your house has a room with a window where your cat can hang out, that's perfect.
But make sure you always keep the window securely closed and protected. We definitely don't want any accidents where kitties can fall from a height and get injured. Safety first!
Don't forget to get creative in crafting your cat's ultimate room. This way, they'll be happily occupied in their little feline paradise, and your door will be safe from scratches.
Method 4 - Spray Cat-Deterring Essential Oils
There are some smells out there that cats can't stand. We're talking about oils like cinnamon, citrus, and rosemary. But here's the good news for cat owners: these oils won't harm your furry friend.
So, grab a spray bottle. Add 1 tablespoon of each essential oil with 3 tablespoons of water and mix it. Give it a good shake, and voila! You've got your own homemade essential oil repellant.
Now, take that spray bottle and give the door a good spray down. The strong scent of those oils will put off your cat and make them think twice about scratching that door.
Remember that not all essential oils are cat-friendly. Before you go spray your door with a potion of essential oil, it's always a good idea to check with your veterinarian. They'll guide you on which oils are safe to use and which ones to avoid, keeping your furry friend's health in mind.
So, grab those essential oils, mix up your secret formula, and spray away to keep your cat away from that door.
Method 5 - Get A Scratching Post Or Bed

Give your furry friend cat scratchers to scratch on and play with to curb this act of boredom. You can make or buy a standing post made of slightly rough material like sisal.
Then, find a spot where your cat loves to hang out or put it close to the door it's been targeting. The key is ensuring the scratching post is big enough and securely anchored so your feline buddy can comfortably stretch and scratch its heart out.
If your furball isn't too keen on cat scratching posts, you can try a scratching bed instead. The possibilities are endless, and it will stop your cat's nails from splitting.
For maximum impact, apply a little catnip on the bed to attract your cat to scratch it instead of going for the door. Catnip works like magic and gets those paws going in the right direction.
So, get creative and find a scratching solution that suits your cat's style. Whether it's a standing post or a comfy bed, make sure it's irresistible by adding some catnip goodness. Your furry friend will happily scratch away on their designated scratching furniture, leaving your doors scratch-free and your cat entertained.
These scratching posts will also help your cat's nails stay in shape, thus allowing you to do paw care for cats.
Method 6 - Use Double-Sided Tape
Do you know the sticky feeling when you touch glue or tape? It turns out cats don't like that feeling on their claws, either. So, here's a trick to deter your cat from unwanted scratching around on doors. Just cover the bottom half of the door with double-sided tape.
While tape on doors isn't the most interior design-friendly look, it's an inexpensive and foolproof solution.
If you're not a fan of tape, try covering the lower half of the door with bubble wrap, cardboard, or furniture strips. These materials have a different texture than the smooth wooden surface of the door, and most cats find them unappealing to scratch on.
Now, if you're looking for more visually appealing options, consider installing a glass or plastic panel. This will cover the bottom half of the door. It adds a design touch while keeping your cat's scratching urges at bay.
But remember to be careful with bubble wrap. Some cats have a thing for licking and chewing on plastic and might get too enthusiastic with the bubble wrap. We definitely don't want any kitties swallowing it!
So, pick from any of these door-covering options and say goodbye to scratched doors. Whether it's double-sided tape, bubble wrap, or a fancy glass panel, do what you must to keep your furry friend from scratching the door.
Method 7 - Ignore

Sometimes, despite all your efforts and providing your cat with everything they need and want, it won't stop scratching that door. In such cases, ignoring them might be the best approach.
If your cat's behavior isn't causing substantial damage, giving them no attention or reaction can be effective.
Scratching can sometimes be behavior-driven purely by the desire for attention. It's like they're thinking, "My human is busy. If I scratch, I may get a reaction!" You're taking away the reward they seek by not responding or giving any attention when they scratch the door.
With time, your cat will realize that all the scratching is in vain. This will get them to redirect their energy toward other activities and leave your door alone.
However, it is essential to mention that sudden changes in your cat's behavior should always be monitored. If you notice any abrupt shifts in their actions, it could be a sign of an underlying illness or discomfort.
So, watch for any other concerning signs and consult with a veterinarian if needed.
Final Words!

So, there you have it, friends. Don't worry if your cats scratch doors.
All you should know is to keep your cat from going crazy on your door! When it comes to stopping your feline friend from scratching the door, it's all about understanding their behavior and finding the right solutions.
Give them alternative scratching options, and create a fun and stimulating environment while setting boundaries. And remember, consistency and positive reinforcement are key! Just be patient, stay cool, and before you know it, your cat will be scratching on their designated surfaces instead of your door.
Bid farewell to cat scratches on your doors. Happy cat parenting!